Mastering Server Management with Tmux

Discover the power of tmux, a versatile CLI tool that helps sysadmins automate and manage their servers efficiently. Learn how to use tmux to create persistent sessions, manage multiple windows and panes, and collaborate with team members in real-time. With practical examples and tips, you’ll master server management tasks and enhance your productivity.
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Howto Install Unifi Controller on Debian 11

Install Unifi Controller on Debian 11 with AWS, open ports, and detailed setup instructions. This guide provides step-by-step directions for creating an AWS instance, configuring security groups, upgrading Debian, installing necessary certificates, and running the installation script for Unifi Controller, including optional unattended installation with Let’s Encrypt certificates.
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Hardening SSH Service

Learn how to harden your SSH service with secure configurations and key-based authentication. This guide will walk you through setting up a public-private key pair, creating regular user keys, and configuring your SSH service for enhanced security. By following these steps, you will prevent root login, use non-standard ports, and ensure only key-based authentication is allowed, significantly improving your server’s security.
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