Welcome to my personal website,
this is a summary of my most relevant projects, interests and curious findings in life and tech. I’m a software engineer with a wide variety of interests and experience. Consider myself as a open source software enthusiast, I have a deep understanding of UNIX/Linux based operative systems.
Along the years I have managed and maintained a ton of services. Always looking for the next automation project! I also have experience as DBA and all things related to Data Warehousing, now called Data Science.
These days I mostly do cloud development work on the backend using hexagonal architecture and trying to improve my skills and software engineering craftmanship with concepts like dependency injection, SOLID principles and functional programming.
Some of the technologies I’ve used over the years:
- Programming languages: Ruby, Java, C, C++, Python, Javascript, Typescript, Go (this blog)
- Databases: SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite
- Networking: VoIP, Internet Proxy, Linux Based Domain Controller, Packet Filtering, Nagios, Cacti, etc.
- Security: OWASP, Penetration Testing, ISO 27000 compliance, DSI Compliance, CISP.
- Software Expertise: API integrations, eLearning, eCommerce, Data Warehousing, ERP, CRM.
- Interests: Functional programming (Haskell, Elm, Lisp)
Please feel free to reach out if you have any question!
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