
The Ruby object model is the Ruby programming language’s backbone, and knowing it is critical for producing fast and maintainable code. Mastering the Ruby object model as a senior developer will not only help you create better code, but it will also allow you to write more expressive and elegant code, which will make your code simpler to understand and maintain in the long term.

We will look at some of the more complex concepts in the Ruby object model in this blog article, such as the lookup route, singleton classes, and refinements. We’ll go through what these notions are, how they function, and how you may apply them to your code.

When a method is called, Ruby looks for method definitions in the order specified by the lookup route. It includes the object’s class, ancestors, and any associated modules. Understanding the lookup path is essential for understanding how Ruby method resolution works, and it may help you develop more efficient and maintainable code.

Singleton classes are a sort of class that is connected with a single object. They are also known as metaclasses or eigenclasses. They may be used to define object-specific methods, allowing you to write more expressive and beautiful code.

Refinements is a feature that allows you to add or change the functionality of existing classes and modules in a controlled, targeted way. Understanding how refinements function and how they vary from monkey patching can aid in the creation of more controlled and maintainable code.

You will have a better knowledge of the Ruby object model and some tips and techniques for leveraging the lookup route, singleton classes, and refinements to improve your code at the conclusion of this blog article.

##Understanding the lookup path The method resolution order, also known as the lookup path, is the order in which Ruby looks for method definitions when they are called. It includes the object’s class, ancestors, and any associated modules. Understanding the lookup path is essential for understanding how Ruby method resolution works, and it may help you develop more efficient and maintainable code.

The lookup route begins with the object’s class, and if the method is not found there, it proceeds through the class’s predecessors. If the method is still not discovered, Ruby will go through any modules contained in the class or its relatives.

Here’s an example to demonstrate how the lookup path affects method resolution:

module MyModule
  def my_method
	puts "MyModule#my_method"

class MyClass
  include MyModule

  def my_method
	puts "MyClass#my_method"

obj =
obj.my_method # => "MyClass#my_method"

In this example, Ruby first looks for my_method in MyClass, and finds it there. So, it will print MyClass#my_method. The included MyModule is not checked, since the method was already found in MyClass.

Here is another example:

module MyModule
  def my_method
	puts "MyModule#my_method"

class MyClass
  include MyModule

  def my_method
	puts "MyClass#my_method"

obj =

in this example obj.my_method will first execute the super keyword that will trigger the lookup path again, so ruby will look for my_method again and find it in MyModule this time and print MyModule#my_method then it will execute the puts MyClass#my_method

Tips and tricks for using the lookup path to write more efficient and maintainable code:

  • Be mindful of the order in which you include modules in your classes and how that affects the lookup path.
  • Use the super keyword with care, since it can trigger the lookup path to be traversed multiple times.
  • Be aware of the potential performance implications of having a deep or complex ancestry tree.
  • Use the prepend keyword to change the order of the lookup path, it will check the prepended modules before checking the class for the method.

By understanding the lookup path and following these tips and tricks, you can write more efficient and maintainable code that is easier to understand and debug.

Exploring singleton classes

Singleton classes are a sort of class that is connected with a single object. They are also known as metaclasses or eigenclasses. They may be used to define object-specific methods, allowing you to write more expressive and beautiful code.

In Ruby, singleton classes are automatically constructed when an object is formed and may be accessed through the singleton class function.

Here’s an example to demonstrate how singleton classes can be used to add methods to specific objects:

obj = "hello"

class << obj
  def shout
	self.upcase + "!"

puts obj.shout # => "HELLO!"

In this example, we are creating a singleton class for the object obj and adding a method shout to it. Since this method is only defined on this specific object, it will not be available on other objects of the same class.

You also can use class_eval method on an object to define the method on its singleton class:

obj = "hello"
obj.singleton_class.class_eval do
  def shout
	self.upcase + "!"

puts obj.shout # => "HELLO!"

Tips and tricks for using singleton classes to write more expressive and elegant code:

  • Use singleton classes to define methods that only apply to specific objects, rather than defining them on the object’s class.
  • Be mindful of the performance implications of creating too many singleton classes, as they can increase memory usage.
  • Use singleton classes with caution, since they can make it harder to understand the relationships between objects and classes in your code.

By understanding singleton classes and following these tips and tricks, you can write more expressive and elegant code that is more adaptable to different scenarios and easy to understand.

Leveraging refinements

Refinements is a feature that allows you to add or change the functionality of existing classes and modules in a controlled, targeted way. It was introduced in Ruby 2.0 and is a method of extending classes or modules in a more controlled manner than monkey patching.

To build a refinement, declare a module and use the refine keyword and the class/module name you wish to refine within it. Then, as with any module, you may define methods or edit existing methods.

module StringExtensions
  refine String do
	def reverse_and_upcase

To use a refinement, you need to activate it within a using block. Once the block is finished, the refinement will no longer be in effect.

using StringExtensions
"hello".reverse_and_upcase # => "OLLEH"

You can see that the reverse_and_upcase method is only available when the refinement is active, and if we call it outside of the block where the refinement is active it will raise a NoMethodError.

Refinements are also lexically scoped. Which means that the changes you made to a class will only be in effect within the file where you activated the refinement.

Monkey patching, on the other hand, modifies the class/module globally, which can cause unexpected side effects and make it harder to understand the relationships between classes and modules in your code.

Tips and tricks for using refinements to write more controlled and maintainable code:

  • Use refinements to extend existing classes and modules in a localized, controlled manner.
  • Be aware of the lexical scoping of refinements, and use them appropriately.
  • Test your code thoroughly when using refinements to ensure that they do not cause unexpected side effects.
  • Be careful when working with refinements and gems, as gems may not be aware of your refinements and could cause compatibility issues.

By understanding refinements and following these tips and tricks, you can write more controlled and maintainable code that is safer and easier to understand.


We’ve covered some of the more sophisticated concepts in the Ruby object model in this blog article, including the lookup route, singleton classes, and refinements. We’ve spoken about what these terms mean, how they operate, and how you may use them to better your code.

By knowing how method resolution works in Ruby, we’ve seen how understanding the search path may help you build more efficient and maintainable code. We’ve also looked at how to utilize singleton classes to add methods to individual objects, making your code more expressive and beautiful. Finally, we’ve seen how refinements may be used to add or alter methods in existing classes and modules in a limited, controlled manner, improving the maintainability and safety of your code.

These, however, are only a handful of the numerous concepts and functionalities that comprise the Ruby object model. To properly master it, you must continue to learn and play with these principles and other aspects.

Here are some additional resources that you can use to continue learning about the Ruby object model:

By devoting effort to mastering the Ruby object model, you may become a more competent and confident Ruby developer, resulting in more efficient, expressive, and maintainable code.